Weather-related repairs can be one of the more costly aspects of home ownership, but there are ways you can mitigate damage and save money.

Start by clearing away anything on your roof that could fly off during high winds, such as lawn furniture, trashcans and exterior TV antennas.

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High winds during severe storms can do significant damage to your roof, including loose or missing shingles and cracked tiles, loose parts being uplifted from their places and leakage due to wind-driven uplift causing leakage resulting in costly repair costs over time.

If you live in an area prone to storms, it is essential that your roof be thoroughly inspected prior to storm season and any necessary repairs made before weather arrives. While shingle roofing typically withstands typical wind speeds without damage occurring, anything beyond this threshold may cause leakage or structural problems.

Other elements that could compromise the roof protection from strong winds include your gutter system and nearby trees. Making sure that gutters remain free from debris while trimming tree branches that could fall during high winds is key in helping prevent damages to your roof. Also check for missing shingles or signs of wear to detect any damages, contact Born Carpentry immediately so they can have them fixed promptly.


Rain can damage homes if their roof structure is not designed to channel away water efficiently. Heavy downpours can wear away shingles and leave bare spots; if left unrepaired, these spots could lead to leakage that compromises the interior of your home and lead to costly repairs.

Leaks in roofs allow moisture to enter, leading to wood rot and mold growth that are difficult to repair and can cost considerable sums of money to remedy.

As well as conducting regular inspections, another way you can safeguard your roof against damage is by trimming tree limbs regularly. Fallen branches may fall and break your shingles or puncture wood panels on your roof; wind and rain damage must also be repaired as quickly as possible; dealing with minor repairs as soon as they appear can save money in the long run.


Although snow or ice may look pretty, too much accumulation can do serious damage to your roof. One cubic foot can weigh as much as 20 pounds; thus if an excessive accumulation occurs it could overburden its structure.

Cracked or loose shingles may break apart in high winds, increasing the risk of roof leaks. Ice dams are another serious roofing concern during winter; they form when snow melts during the day before refreezeing at night to form blockages on your roof that prevent any water from draining off as it should.

Winter weather can be hard on roofs, but proper care and maintenance can reduce its effects and prolong its lifespan. Regular inspections, repairs and gutter maintenance are vital in protecting your home. Investing in an insurance policy to cover costly repair bills could also prove invaluable – contact an agent now to learn more!


If you live in an area subject to high winds, it’s crucial that your roof be regularly inspected as high wind gusts can do extensive damage to your home in various forms – torn shingles and loose tiles may become loose, cracked tiles could crack under pressure from gusts, while tree branches could even land on your roof and cause significant structural problems.

Sun damage to your roof is also an ongoing threat, with heat and UV rays beating down relentlessly on its shingles, constantly heating them up and changing shape, which in turn leads to cracking and warping as well as bleaching the color to a lighter hue.

At regular inspections, it’s essential that you keep an eye out for signs of sun damage as ignoring it can lead to larger problems with your roof over time, including leaks, mold growth and vermin infestation. If you detect such indicators on your inspections, contact local roofing contractors right away and arrange an inspection!

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